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onboarding excellence: why you need to inspire during employee onboarding and induction.

Starting a new job can be a daunting experience for anyone, regardless of their experience level. There is often a huge amount of (usually uninspiring) information that is expected to be retained by any new team member, as well as becoming aligned with the company’s values and long-term goals. For employers, an effective onboarding process and induction programmes are crucial for setting new employees up for success and improving their hire retention rates. We’ll explore why onboarding and induction excellence is a necessity for any organisation looking to develop, retain and get the most out of their workforce.

It’s important to define what we mean by onboarding vs induction programmes. Onboarding refers to the process of integrating a new employees into the company culture and helping them understand their role within the organisation. First off however simple it may sound, effective onboarding experience and induction process can lead to increased profitability. Research has shown that companies with effective onboarding programmes experience 50% greater productivity from new hires, which can have a significant impact on a company’s bottom line. In addition, effective onboarding can reduce the time it takes for new employees to become productive, which can save a company money in the long run.

Effective onboarding and induction tools can help to create a strong company culture. By providing a comprehensive orientation to the company, new employees can gain a better understanding of the company’s mission, values, and beliefs. This leads to a more cohesive and productive workforce, as well as a stronger sense of loyalty and commitment to the company.

What’s even more crucial, is that effective onboarding and induction programmes are a necessity for scaling at pace. As companies grow, it becomes increasingly important to ensure that new employees are onboarded effectively to maintain a consistent company culture and standard of work. Effective onboarding and induction programmes should be designed with scalability in mind. This can include creating standardised processes and procedures for onboarding, as well as leveraging technology to streamline the process. By doing so, companies can ensure that they are able to scale at pace while maintaining a consistent company message, culture and standard of work.

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One of the most significant benefits of an effective onboarding and induction programme is employee retention. A study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that employees who went through a structured onboarding programme were 69% more likely to remain at the company for at least three years. This is because effective onboarding helps new employees feel welcome and valued, which leads to a stronger sense of commitment to the organisation. As well as this, effective onboarding and induction programmes can help to improve employee productivity. According to a study by the Aberdeen Group, employees who went through a structured onboarding programme were able to reach their full productivity level two months earlier than those who did not receive formal onboarding.

Another benefit of effective onboarding and induction programmes is improved engagement. When new employees feel welcomed and valued, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and the company’s mission. A study by Gallup found that only 12% of employees strongly agree that their company does a great job of onboarding new employees. By improving onboarding and induction programmes, employers can improve employee engagement and overall job satisfaction.

Effective onboarding and induction programmes are essential for improving employee retention, productivity, and engagement, as well as increasing profitability and creating a strong company culture while scaling at pace. Companies need to invest in creating comprehensive onboarding and induction programmes that are designed with scalability in mind to ensure long-term success. By doing so, they can reap the benefits of a cohesive and productive workforce and a thriving business.

Using inspiring methods of blended learning is crucial for setting new employees up for success. By providing a comprehensive orientation to the company, structured training and support, and opportunities for networking and engagement, employers can improve employee productivity, engagement, and overall job satisfaction. Companies must invest in their onboarding and induction programmes to ensure the long-term success of their employees and the organisation.

At mindboost, we’re on a mission to create the worlds best workplaces. If you’re looking to elevate your onboarding and digital learning, get in touch today.

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Caleb Foster Digital Learning Geek
After gaining more than 20 years of experience in operational excellence in the hospitality and digital learning sectors, Caleb wanted to rid the world of dull ‘click next’ and ineffective elearning and solve the epidemic of uninspiring digital learning. Mindboost began back in 2016, when Caleb, saw a huge opportunity to create better quality digital learning content that connects with learners emotionally to encourage a desire to learn more. Caleb realised there was a lack of true understanding of an organisation’s culture and inner-working when learning providers were presented with a request from a client. So, the Mindboost team get under the cover of an organisation’s performance need and ultimately look to connect with learners emotionally. When a learner is connected emotionally, they tend to start believing in a change, this then generates a feeling and makes a greater impact within the organisation than just conveying information.